Frequently Asked Questions

What is Fishpo?

A database of company listings and information organised into a hierarchical tree structure. 

We submitted a listing but it has not appeared?

Each submission is reviewed according to the Link Partner Agreement which sometimes is a slow process causing a backlog.  Check What's New every day for new listings!

How long is the review queue?

This varies according to the number of submissions received but averages 3 - 4 weeks.

Gold & Premium Listings guarantees turn-around in two (2) business days.

I submitted a number of listings and now they have all disappeared?

Our policy is one complimentary listing per business.  We employ a number of techniques that automatically search and remove multiple listings.

You are on Page 1 of Google, so how can I get listed at the top of Google?

Get a top spot in our directory and be the listing visitors see first.. Premium Listing.

How do I change my listing?

Locate the listing in the directory and follow the 'Update Listing' instructions.

Can I have more than one [1] Link Partner listing?

No, the policy allows one listing per company. 

What is a Listing Policy?

To ensure the directory does not go the same way as the DODO [and many other directories], a set of guidelines was established to ensure quality, consistency and accuracy. 

If your question was not answered, please ask here